Everything your Summer Pet Sitter needs to know....

If you find yourself having to take a trip and not being able to take your furry friend along, arranging a pet sitter (like a trusted friend, family member or a professional) is a great way to ensure your pet is safe and looked after.

To help you get fully prepared (and add minimal disruption to your pet’s routine), here’s our checklist with everything you should leave with the person in charge.

1. Your vet’s details

Leave your vet’s name along with the contact number of the clinic. It’s also a good idea to leave an emergency or out-of-hours contact. Put these details in a safe, obvious place (sellotaped to the fridge door is a good one!). Oh, and tell your sitter where your pet carrier is, just in case they do need to make a trip to the vet.

2. An emergency contact

Whether it’s your mum or your neighbour, there might be someone who you’d like your sitter to contact in the unlikely event of an emergency where they couldn’t get hold of you.

3. Your contact details

As well as your phone number, you’ll want to leave the address of where you’re staying. It’s also a good idea to leave the exact dates and times of your departure and return (such as your flights). Make sure there is a back-up plan for if you are delayed (e.g., someone who can step in to take care of your pet if you are going to be away for longer than you thought, and your sitter can’t extend their stay).

4. House rules

These are for your pet, not the sitter! Make sure they know if your cat isn’t allowed to sit on the kitchen table, or if your dog shouldn’t be napping on your bed. You don’t want to have to retrain them when you come home.

5. Your neighbour’s details

If you know your neighbours, let them know that someone else will be staying at your place.

6. Medication and instructions

If your pet is on any medication or allergy treatment, make sure your sitter has full instructions about when and how to administer it.

7. Feeding instructions

Very important, of course. Make sure you have sufficient food for the length of your trip and leave everything your sitter might need in one easy to find  place. Leave details of times and amounts, and of course, your pet’s favourite bowls. 

8. Your pet’s favourite places

Does your kitty like to curl up on top of your fridge? Does your pup like to get some me-time in the spare bedroom? Let your sitter know – for a start, so that they won’t think they’ve lost your treasured companion if their favourite spot is somewhere hidden, and also just so that they can make sure your pet has access to their favourite places.

9. Expected visitors

Let your sitter know about any regular visitors, such as a cleaning service.

10. A day in the life of your pet

This one’s for you, to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. Go through a day in the life of your pet in your mind and leave everything you would normally need in an obvious place, such as leads, favourite toys or brushes. 

If you really can’t bear to be apart…

A pet camera allows you to see – and talk to – your pet! No better remedy for separation anxiety than seeing that your fluffy friend is happy and well.

Finally, although it’s never nice to say goodbye to your best friend for any length of time, try to act calm and normal when you leave. With everything now ready and under control, the chances are it will be a happy experience for your pet and their temporary parent!

No one available to look after your pet? Contact us at sales@expatlogistics.com and we can arrange boarding  (Riyadh only, subject to space availability at time of booking)


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